Cygames, Inc. (“Cygames”) has established these Guidelines concerning the distribution of gameplay of “Little Noah: Scion of Paradise” as a means for customers to share their experiences with one another.
To the extent that these Guidelines are followed, Cygames will not exercise any copyrights, whether individual, corporate, for profit, or not for profit.
Customers may post videos and screenshots of gameplay captured from “Little Noah: Scion of Paradise” on sharing sites. Also, monetization is permitted as long as such videos and screenshots are monetized using the programs/systems specified below. The permissible monetization programs/systems may be updated from time to time.
- List of Permissible Monetization Programs/Systems
- YouTube:
- YouTube Partner Program
- Facebook:
- Facebook Gaming Creator Program and Facebook Level Up Program
- Niconico Video and Niconico Live:
- Creator Incentive Program and Niconico Channel
- TwitCasting:
- TwitCasting Monetize Video Income (beta) and Item Income
- Mirrativ:
- Gift
- OPENREC Creators Program
- Gifting
- Support Item
- AfreecaTV:
- Star Streamer
- TikTok:
- Gift
- List of Monetization Programs/Systems that May Be Used Only When Posting Video that Does Not Contain Game Background Music
- Twitch:
- Twitch Affiliate Program and Twitch Partner Program
Except for short videos no longer than 2 minutes and 30 seconds, customers are required to be creative by adding spoken or written commentary or making other such modifications to videos and screenshots that are posted. Videos posted as is, copies of videos posted by others, and videos whose main purpose is the appreciation of illustrations, cutscenes, music, and so on are not covered by these Guidelines.
Posting content in regions where distribution is prohibited as specified separately in “Little Noah: Scion of Paradise” is not covered by these Guidelines.
In the case of monetization, except for “Princess Connect! Re: Dive” and “Umamusume: Pretty Derby,” posting videos and screenshots that contain characters, illustrations, songs, music data, etc. from other works that are the result of collaboration is not covered by these Guidelines.
These Guidelines apply globally, excluding Japan.
The guidelines applicable in Japan can be confirmed here.
Please post secondary works that you created based on videos or screenshots captured from “Little Noah: Scion of Paradise” to the extent permitted by laws and regulations.
Cygames may take legal measures including deletion of postings whose content falls under or may fall under any of the following items.
- Content not in compliance with these Guidelines
- Content that may be misunderstood as having been posted by Cygames or a person associated with Cygames
- Content that creates the impression of sponsorship or collaboration with Cygames or a person associated with Cygames, contrary to fact
- Content that constitutes a crime, anti-social activity, or other violation of national laws and regulations or that affirms or encourages such violations
- Content that infringes on intellectual property rights
- Content obtained through unauthorized access or unauthorized acquisition, modification, or alteration of programs or data or that affirms or encourages such conduct
- Content that harms the image or reputation of affiliated parties or “Little Noah: Scion of Paradise”
- Except when otherwise permitted by Cygames, content that advertises the products or services of a third party
- Content that is contrary to public order and morals
- Other content that Cygames determines is inappropriate
The following platform, on which Cygames has prohibited posting and distribution, is not subject to these Guidelines
- Mildom
Please note that Cygames will not respond to any inquiries relating to these Guidelines. Cygames will also not respond to any inquiries relating to the licensing of videos or screenshots.
These Guidelines are subject to change at any time. Please check the most recent Guidelines before posting.